Surprise visit!!

Look who's coming to town today! My parents called yesterday and said, "Ok we're not waiting any more can we come after church Sunday?" I'm trying to keep it a secret, but my kids seem to have a grandparent radar!! Yesterday out of the blue Sage says, "Mom I miss Papa, and Grandma, when are we going to see them?" I said, "Real soon honey." Not a good enough answer, she drilled me when, when???? Finally I told her, then later in the day Sadie say's, "Mom when are we going to Bishop I need to see Papa/grandma!!" I didn't tell her. So lil JOhn, Chloe and Sadie will be surprised, it seems that one month is the absolute longest we can go without seeing them. They bring so much joy, wisdom, patients, to all our lives!!
God bless today, hope you find peace, strength, and love today, Shirley


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