Kellys Korner baby shower ideas!!

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Psalms 127:3
Hello it's Kelly's Korner Blog time!! She asks for baby shower ideas, so here we go.....
I've only thrown 1!! But I've had four!! So I think I know a little on this subject!! I've liked to wait till the baby can be the guest of honor!
For Kim's shower, I wanted the night to feel soft, and romantic. I lit all the candles, had the fire place going, music, and a slide show of the guest of honor's family on the computer the whole time. We set up outside with plenty of tables, yummy food, heaters. Then after dinner we came inside for dessert and gift's! We had a few dessert options, tea, coffee.

John and I made a bunch of driftwood candle holders, and gave them away to guests.
Menu Mexican food! (Kim's request)!
 Kim with her slide show
 Kim and I
 Great group of women, these are the leftovers, they were enjoying their time away from their kiddies for awhile, we finally had to kick them out!! JK
Now time for some fun gift ideas!!!
Native American Indian Baby Moccasins by my sis Rachel Hess her designs are truly amazing!! Guarantee you'll have a unique gift!

Loved this idea!!!
New Dad kit, a Hospital pouch packed just for him! Included is a snack, a pre-paid phone card, a camera, a stopwatch for contractions, and a notebook, to keep important phone numbers, insurance information, and gifts received at the hospital!!

Now my model shot, (Chloe in her Hotsling)

Hope you enjoyed, just a few fun ideas, can't wait to see all the great ideas!! God bless, Shirley (sorry about different fonts) computer messed up!!


  1. Just stopping by from Kelly's Korner! I love, love, love the driftwood decorations and the mocassins are adorable! Great post! :)

  2. Love the moccasins!!! Oh my gosh, how cute!! Thanks for sharing! Stopping in from Kelly's Korner.


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