
We love Him because He first loved us. —1 John 4:19

The light are up and the tree decorated! Phew, lots of work! John and Little John were up on the very top of the roof, I love to see them doing manly stuff together! The girls and I took care of the inside, I let them do the tree themselves, they were so excited.
Sage and Coco
Coco taking her job very serious
Don't know who had the camera??
Little John writing our scripture on the chalkboard
 I took Little John to his high school for the athletic awards. It was a great night, I felt emotional, every time some one gave a speech, or accepted their award. Don't know why it affected me so?? John had a late meeting in Santa Monica, so I was flying solo, we ended up sitting with all his Cross Country Team,  a little awkward I was the only mom sitting right there with all of them!! I could hear whispers, "John is that your mom?" Later he told me, mom they all couldn't believe you were my mom!! Next time try to not look so pretty!! OK will do! So proud of my little man
Little John with his coach, the coach told him he had great taste, since they were dressed alike!!
Chloe's been sick with a fever, yesterday I layed with her, held her, read to her, I loved it I gave her momma time all day, she ate it up! She seems to be 90%better today praise God!! Time to jam super busy day, Shirley


  1. you have such a gorgeous family. Your comment about being affected at the awards ceremony struck me, because I've been feeling the same way. I went for an observation day at my daughter's school and found myself getting a little choked. Not just because she's growing up, but I think because I'm always just struck at times when I realize she is not actually "just" my little girl, but an independent person, appreciated for other things by other people. Seen differently, and loved still. Having children is such a widening.

    Love that I get to peek into your beautiful life--such an inspiration!


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