Happy B-day dad/ soap making
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Here are some pictures of our soap making, at Kim's house, it's sooo much better than I think any of us thought, the soap is soo creamy, smells so delicious!
I know it has nothing to do with soap! But Kim made me two of the most yummiest wheat, yeast loafs! The grainy one didn't stand a chance it was almost gone by the time we got home! Then John finished it off!

OK that's all for now, talk soon, God bless you, Shirley
Happy birthday Dad! His birthday was yesterday, we celebrated his life with my aunties Tuesday night! He turned 60!!!!! I'm not saying this loosely that he is the BEST DAD in the WORLD!! When ever any one of us needs him, he's right there, he's so loving, patient, kind, Love you Daddy
I loved having my two aunties here, wish my aunt J was here as well, one day, soon. The house is so quiet, it's been full for over a week. Big kids are at school, John's in Canada, Rach, Coco, and I are here. Today is going to be a restful day, except that is is my lucky day to deep clean the house, all sheets, windows, dusting and floors! Believe it or not, I really enjoy cleaning! Having a clean home, has always been so important to me, I seriously can't function if it's not. I will be late to appointments, or whatever if it's not clean! John gets mad at the fact, but I'm sorry it's the way I was born!!Here are some pictures of our soap making, at Kim's house, it's sooo much better than I think any of us thought, the soap is soo creamy, smells so delicious!
All the moisturizing agents
Pouring the soap into molds
Doing the grunt work, you must stir for 15 minutes!! Good arm workout.
Rachel feeling my pain
Such a great group of girls!
Lorie the third from the left, is the master teacher, she's so full of knowledge!OK that's all for now, talk soon, God bless you, Shirley
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