
Seek [wisdom] as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures. —Proverbs 2:4

I usually don't do New Year Resolutions, but this year I feel like I need a little re-aligning! I've been wanting to draw closer to God, and his wisdom, this world can consume me, things to do, wants, kids needs. I sense God saying hey what about me?? Your creator? Within a year many passed on and many were born, I have always wondered what Heaven will be like? And the enormity of eternity, hits me like a load of bricks! Eternity, means something with noooo end! I trip out on that, but then I must remember that I only have an earthly mind, that can't comprehend eternity! So I give it over to my God. So I thought it would be fun to make a list of 10 thing I would like to improve or start this year!
1. Draw closer to God, and seek his wisdom
2. Honor my husband more, putting his needs before my own
3. Build a stronger friendship with my children, showing them that I do delight in them
4. Be a better friend
5. Show compassion to strangers
6. keep my body healthy so I can do these things!! 
7. Get a little more extreme, try new things
8. Travel 
9. Rest
10. Love the Lord God with all my heart, mind, soul, because for me, there's nothing that this world can offer that can replace, the Peace, Joy, and true Love, only He can give in return. 

Well that's my list, I believe in the power of written word, I think it motivates me to see it written! Many years ago, while I was flying home from Cleveland Ohio, I was 18 a mom, wife, I wrote myself a letter saying Shirley in a two years from now, I want to accomplish these goals..... What I wrote were pretty big, grand ideas, for a teenage mom, living on the Indian Reservation. But with God's help I did it, I moved to Santa Barbabra, got my Cosmetologist licences by going to school at night and bought our second house. I've kept that letter as a reminder. I haven't written myself another one since, I think it's time again to set some goals! Ok may God bless you today, back to reality today kids are back in school so routines here we come! Shirley


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