Reap what you Sow

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
This scripture is so powerful to me. We all reap what we sow wether it be good or bad. Chelsea Cameron preached about this my last class, it was so powerful. Reap means to get as a return, recompense, or result: Sow means, to scatter seed over (land, earth, hearts, mind,etc.) for the purpose of growth.
She asked can we say that we are sowing good seeds such as joy, trust, contentment??? This message hit home for me, I asked myself what am I sowing into my family, am I teaching my kids to be content with what we have, or do they hear me say I wish I had more? Because it seems every time I turn around someone wants something!!! Or joy, are we smiling, truly happy from the inside, not for a moment from a new toy?? God help me! This rattled my brain for a week!!
The Kansas trip was canceled they didn't need him this weekend. So we stayed put and did fun things with the kids locally.
First up a real princess party for the little girls at Kristen's!!
Sadie was Belle
 Coco was Pink a Luscious
 All the princesses

 Sadie and Kris
 Bianca went all out, so beautiful for the girls

 The "real" Belle came as a surprise for the girls, they were sooo excited they got to have a tea party with her!
 Someone not naming names, could have cared less about the princess, her cup cake was all she needed!!
 Ugh torture can I eat it???
 We then gathered up all the kids and headed to Santa Barbara, for a nice dinner and shopping!
Tomorrow is my friend Kim's birthday, Julianna and I are taking her some place a mother of six needs!! Every year we try to get together for each others birthday and do something special! Can't wait! God bless Shirley


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