Family photo's

But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children. Psalms 103:17

Is It Christmas Already??? Sure felt that way yesterday when I got a knock on the door! Theresa the chick who shot our family a few months ago, was there with the whole CD!!! So I'm sharing some with you! 
The girls kitchen
Love this shot of them Coco tracing her hands, they have been playing more and more in their room, shutting the door and giggling, making books, playing babies it melts my heart to stand by the door and listen
The lighting on this one kills me, so adorable! My Blondie baby
And this shot is soo telling, he adores his little sister, out of the blue he always says, "Mom just look at her isn't she soo cute!"
Captured exactly where this one is at with fashion! God only knows what she will do with her love of all things sparkly, pretty....
These two are such characters, they are 100% sisters, soo funny I hear all kinds of things about them from strangers, are they Chinese, are they sisters, they look like twins, one Shirley, one John!!
The colors are unbelievable, and so is my little Sadie
One of my favorites, I finally had this one made into a canvas should be here in a week
The whole family
Silly girls jumping on mommas bed
Mine and me

Coco and Lucky
Adorable! I have a problem>>>What is the correct response when one says oh their so cute, do I say Thank You, or I agree??? Since God made them not me???
The original four
Add two more=6
These two are enjoying each others company more and more, we went through a few tough years where they couldn't stand one another!! Last night while I was folding clothes, they were listening to music doing their homework, I was eve's dropping on their conversation, they were talking about different teachers in the school, laughing, joking, soo precious!
My Sage, soooo grown up!
The photo shoot was winding down Chloe decided it was time to set the table! She topped it off with her Hello Kitty party hats!
I turned and seen this, I told Theresa you must get this shot not staged at all , (unfortunately)!!!!
Us girls baking which is a super common scene in our home
Coco can crack an egg perfectly

Hope you enjoyed, I thought Theresa did an awesome job, she's on her way to a successful career!!! Here is her blog, teresamarie-photography Check it out she's got the cutest pictures on there, of her little Pumpkin, Lena. Have a great day, Shirley

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