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For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. Psalm 66:10
Couldn't sleep I got up at 2:30, today is John and my 21st. anniversary. Being married at such a young age and starting our family, it's seems like were always on the go, our lives are constantly changing. We've owned 6 homes, (remodeled, gutted, sold), rented 3, now were selling again!
Couldn't sleep I got up at 2:30, today is John and my 21st. anniversary. Being married at such a young age and starting our family, it's seems like were always on the go, our lives are constantly changing. We've owned 6 homes, (remodeled, gutted, sold), rented 3, now were selling again!
Selling my own home has been a huge learning experience.
Johns career in the beverage industry has been a roller coster, he's accomplished so much gone so far. But in this industry there isn't a lot of job security. As the Vice President of Sales, his job was to generate mass sales, so that bigger companies would acquire them. He's done an amazing job at this, where he is constantly being recruited by companies. After 20 years in this industry he may finally be ready to start another adventure! I've been blessed to be able to work out of the house for 15 years doing hair, I've loved inviting people over, where they eventually become like family. But after all these years, my true passion has always been homes! Last year I started taking Real Estate classes and in March I received my license. I love every aspect of homes, design, building, selling, buying, so for me it's the perfect fit!
Over the last year John and I have been feeling like God just had something different for us, so our prayer has been "God open doors that need to be opened, and close ones that need to be close." Our prayers have been answered, like always, but in His timing. All of a sudden I get my license, John looses his job totally unexpected. (Totally unjust! A week before selling to Anheuser Busch) John was promised a percentage of the sale, and they fired him a week before! But God is in control, and He knows all things. We decided not to go after what was rightfully his, and let it all go! Knowing that there are people who are extremely greedy, who use people. Once God took away all our hurt, shock, we had to come up with a game plan..... For years we've always said wouldn't it be amazing to start our own company with my brother Jim. buying designing, and selling homes. I guess without really knowing all our lives have been leading up to this point! Jim finished his last job with FlintCo. as their superintendent for 17 years. I have my license, John's finally free. So we have moved in faith starting all lic. insurance, LLC, branding. No-Ve Properties is becoming a reality. The name No-ve means dwelling (home) in my native language Paiute.
I joined my good friend/broker Tida Hamilton. Tida is a mom as well, so it's truly a perfect fit! I listed our home and it sold in the first week. SO fingers crossed escrow closes.

My brother Jonny Hess designed our logo, and signs. He knocked it out of the park!
While waiting for house sell to be complete, we're doing a remodel for my friend. New kitchen, flooring, drywall, design. SO MUCH FUN! I know in my heart this is our calling, passion, love. When John and I don't have a project we get bored, we like to have lot's of things going on at once, that's how we thrive!
Kitchen in a truck
New dry wall in-between the beams, refaced fireplace, sanded all beams.
Sage graduated high school!! So incredibly proud of my sweet girl, she is staying home to attend community college, she signed with a modeling agency, so that keeps her extremely busy. Love having her home for a bit longer.
As long as were together.....Our baby Lilly
The kid's are doing great, not always easy for them, John and Sage have accepted and now admire John and I for our passion. Sadie just cares if she can help with design, Chloe didn't want to leave this house, which makes me sad, but I told her sometimes thing's feel like it's bad only to get good! I think this gave her comfort knowing in order for us to finally live out our dream we have to make changes. John could have another high paying job with lot's of security tomorrow if that was his desire. But I think were ready for change. I say "think", because it all depends on escrow, and things falling into place. So prayer's are appreciated, I've always lived with God's peace in my heart that He will lead and guide me where I need to go. I'll try to update here on the blog regularly. Thanks for taking the time to read, get ready for another chapter in the Slee's life.....
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