Brenda and Boys visit

Sharing our motherhood together, is something that Brenda Kiddoo and I have been doing for twelve years now, she is truly one of the best mothers out there and has been an amazing friend to me. We were glad to have her and her two sweet boys visit for four days, we went to the beach, hung out at the house and enjoyed the company. So the picture with all the kids yes that is a RAT, a week before Brenda and the kids came I was upstairs nursing Chloe when on her balcony I thought I saw a rat run past, so I mentioned it to John when he came home so off to the hardware store he went and returned with traps, poison, he set it all up on the balcony. The next morning lil John said the rat is in the trap alive, it was a sticky trap, so lil John tryed to squeeze it to death, but it ran away without it's tail! So knowing that ratzilla was out there somewhere with no tail we were cautious! Then when Brenda and the boys came, we kept hearing noises in lil Johns room, Brenda and I were enjoying our breakfast talking when I saw the rat peek out from under the couch, well this made Brenda jump into action she had me flipping over the couch in no time, all the kids were screaming, the rat ran out from under the couch to the coat rack then back, all the while we were trying to catch him, finally Brenda had him trapped and with my 10 pound weight she pinned the poor little fellow and one lethal blow killed little Pipito(Brenda you get that)?? And guess what he had no tail!!!


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