A mothers job

He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD! Psalms 113:9

Good morning, phew after yesterday's fiasco (Johns car wreck) things are back on track. Kids are off to school, Chloe's going as well:)) So Rachel and I have 3 hours to our self's! We may rush to see our baby (Luke), kiss our boy's chubby cheeks....
Lately my role as mommy has been ramped up, I wake and go non-stop, meals, drop-offs, pick-up's, snacks, homework, dinner, bath's, stories, then hit my head on my pillow! No time for projects of any kind, I'm not complaining, I absolutely love my job! And I'm determined to do my best. I've been so inspired of course by my own mother who mothered with all her heart, I remember how tired she would be at the end of the day. I laugh when there are debates between a working mother or stay at home mother. A mother is a mother, whether you go off for a few hours, all your "home work" is waiting right when you walk through the door, or if you stay home and do it all day long! Honestly when I used to work outside of the house, I loved to get up in the morning, put on a cute outfit, stop for coffee, and "socialize" with other adults. Now that life seems so glamorous, but like Chelsea Cameron said, "You can be a rocket scientist later," this is the most important job you'll ever have!!! So true. All right time to get going, Love you, Shirley


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